What is HEMP, its uses and advantages
HEMP : History, Facts & Uses
- HEMP is not marijuana. Marijuana is not HEMP. One provides psychoactive effects and the other doesn’t.
- HEMP is the fiber and seed part of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant, opposed to the flower part of the plant which is marijuana.
- Marijuana is used for recreational or medicinal purposes
- Despite HEMP’s broad industrial and commercial uses, both plants remain illegal
- HEMP and marijuana typically get mixed up is because they both are from the same plant species,cannabis sativa L
- Typically, Hemp contains below 0.3% THC, while Cannabis grown for marijuana can contain anywhere from 6 or 7 % to 20% or even more.
HEMP is a very hearty plant and grows very quickly in very diverse soil conditions. Cultivation of HEMP for industrial purposes has been done by many civilizations for over 12,000 years.
HEMP is one of the strongest, most durable, natural soft-fibers on this planet. Industrial HEMP has a wide variety of uses :
- Paper
- Textiles
- Fuel
- Oils
- Medicine
- Building material
- Biodegradable plastic
- Rope
- Food and more
Industrial Hemp is produced in many countries around the world. Major producers include Canada, France, and China.
HEMP is an incredibly sustainable renewable resource that can be grown organically in many climates and conditions around the world. Only eight, out of about one hundred known pests, cause problems, and hemp is most often grown without herbicides, fungicides or pesticides.
There are many environmental benefits by using this sustainable plant. It would only take one acre of HEMP compared to 4.1 acres of trees to create the same amount of paper.
One acre of HEMP is not only a beneficial alternative for paper, but also for the production of cotton as well. Just one acre of HEMP could produce as much fiber as two to three acres of cotton. In addition, cotton requires large quantities of dangerous pesticides and herbicides.Fabrics made of at least fifty percent hemp block the sun’s harmful UV rays more effectively than other fabrics.
Considering all the above points we feel that the products made out of HEMP are very Eco-friendly and beneficial in many ways.
If you have some thoughts about HEMP, please do contribute though the comments section below.
I read at some places that hemp is also water resistant, so I was wondering if the bags are also suitable for use in rain?
How can u grow and use it when it’s illegal?
You guys are awesome and done a great job.Good luck may your positivity spread around and use renewable energy source🙌